87 of 109 analysts polled expect next week’s Fed rate hike to be its last

The latest Reuters poll of analysts finds that all 106 expect the Fed to hike by 25bps at next week’s meeting, taking the Fed Funds benchmark overnight interest rate to the 5.25%-5.50% range

  • 19 out of 106 expect the Fed to raise rates again after a July hike
  • As for the rate cut question, the share who predicted at least one rate cut by the end of March next year is down to 55% from 78% last month

More from the Reuters poll:

  • Core inflation will be only slightly lower or remain around the current level of just under 5% by the end of the year, 20 of 29 respondents to an additional question in the poll said.
  • on an additional question, 14 of 23 who responded said wage inflation would be the most sticky component of core inflation


Earlier on Fed expectations:

The meeting next week is on the 25th and 26th:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com. Source