BOJ announce no change to policy, as expected

The BOJ’s main policy planks remain unchanged:

  • short-term interest rate target -0.1%
  • 10-year bond yield around 0%, but flexible up to 1% (in October 2023 the Bank made it even more flexible by saying the 1% bound is only a ‘reference’)

Makes no changes to forward guidance on monetary policy

No change to core-core inflation forecasts:

  • Core-core CPI fiscal 2023 median forecast at +3.8 vs +3.8% forecast in the October Outlook Report
  • Core-core CPI fiscal
    2024 median forecast at +1.9% vs +1.9% in October
  • Core-core CPI fiscal
    2025 median forecast at +1.9% vs +1.9% in October

But core forecasts trimmed:

  • Core CPI fiscal 2023 median forecast at +2.8% vs +2.8% in October
  • Core CPI fiscal 2024
    median forecast at +2.4% vs +2.8% in October
  • Core CPI fiscal 2025
    median forecast at +1.8% vs +1.7% in October

GDP forecasts:

  • FY 2023 1.8% vs. 2.0% in October
  • FY 2024 1.2% vs. 1.0% in October
  • FY 2025 1.0% vs. 1.0% in October

BOJ quarterly

  • Risks to economic
    activity generally balanced
  • Need to closely
    monitor whether virtuous cycle between wages and prices will
  • Will continue with
    QQE with YCC as long as needed
  • Won’t hesitate to
    take additional easing steps if needed
  • Boj will patiently
    continue with monetary easing while nimbly responding to developments
  • Japan’s financial
    system has maintained stability on the whole
  • Uncertainty remains but likelihood of achieving sustained 2%
    inflation continues to gradually heighten
  • Japan’s economy
    likely to continue recovering moderately
  • Must be vigilant to
    financial, fx market moves and their impact on japan’s economy,
  • Inflation
    expectations gradually heightening
  • Core consumer
    inflation moving below 2.5%, partly reflecting moderate rise in
    service prices
  • Consumption
    continues to rise moderately
  • Inflation likely to
    gradually accelerate toward boj’s target through end of projected
    period in quarterly report
  • Japan’s output gap
    improving, likely to gradually expand ahead
  • Medium-, long-term
    inflation expectations heightening gradually
  • Positive cycle of
    rising wages, inflation to strengthen

Still to come, and of even more focus, is Bank of Japan Governor Ueda’s press conference due at 0630 GMT.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source