Fed’s Daly says minds are open to cutting rates in coming meetings

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly:

  • Risks to fed’s mandates getting in more balance
  • Minds are open to
    cutting rates in coming meetings
  • Concern is that we
    will deteriorate from current place of balance in jobs report; we
    don’t see that right now
  • July jobs report
    reflected a lot of temporary layoffs, hurricane effect
  • Will be watching
    carefully to see if next job market report reflects same dynamic, or
  • Underneath july jobs
    report is some reason for confidence we are slowing but not falling
    off cliff
  • Fed will do what it
    takes to ensure we achieve both goal
  • If react to one data
    point, we would almost always be wrong
  • A ‘steady in the
    boat’ approach works well
  • Policy needs to be pro-active
  • We hear the economy is down shifting
  • People are getting inflation relief, but still above 2% target
  • Not seeing a move to widespread layoffs yet, that would be an early warning sign

Huh. I don’t want to whine, but ‘widespread layoffs’ are not an ‘early warning sign’, they are a sign you are behind the curve.


  • Its very clear that policy is working in the way intended
  • The Fed policy rate will need to be adjusted; when and how much depends on the data
  • Too early to tell if the job market is slowing, or if there is real weakness
  • The Fed is prepared to do what the economy needs when we are clear on what that is; there is a lot more data before the next Fed meeting
  • The two Fed mandates are now equally balanced risks
  • Fed’s reaction function is clear, and market interest rates are already adjusting
  • Policy adjustments will be necessary in the coming quarters
  • Its extremely important that we don’t let the job markets slow so much that it tips into a downturn
  • Want to make sure we keep economic momentum

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com. Source