Fed’s Musalem: Confidence to cut rates could take months and likely quarters to play out

  • He needs to observe a period of favorable inflation, moderating demand and expanding supply before he will have confidence for a rate cut
  • The conditions could take months, or more-likely quarters to play out
  • If inflation becomes stuck meaningfully above 2% or moves higher, he would support additional tightening
  • Says he will remain vigilant until inflation is clearly and convincingly on its way back to 2%
  • Retail sales for May suggests aggregate demand is growing at a moderate pace so far in Q2
  • Expects consumptio nto moderate in coming quarters without stalling
  • Labor market no longer seems overheated but remains tight
  • Expects some further cooling in the labor market in the coming months
  • There are potential early signs of continued progress on inflation
  • PCE should show welcome downshift in inflation in May

These are the first real comments from Musalem and he sure sounds like a hawk. He votes in 2025.

This article was written by Adam Button at www.forexlive.com. Source