Warns against relying on stable macroeconomic relationships Inflation risks have shifted from downside to upside since pandemic Natural interest rate (r*) uncertainty has increased significantly …
Urges UK not to counter protectionism with tariffs We must welcome opportunity to rebuild EU relations UK potential growth fell from 2.6% (1990-2008) to 1.3% …
There is still more demand for housing than supply The better way to address the imbalance is more supply, not suppressing demand Companies still feel …
Welcomes easing in inflation expectations We need to pay attention to both sides of our mandate Nothing notable here. This article was written by Adam …
I see the need for activist policy, rather than gradualist Activist policy means holding bank rate firmly until sufficient evidence of diminished inflation persistence, then …
Disinflationary process is well on track Inflation had turned out lower than expected in September Upside risks to inflation are also now seen as lower …
Must be mindful of both sides of the mandate right now If labour market sputters, appropriate to gradually reduced rates But if disinflation progress stalls, …