Bank Korea drops phrase ‘upside risks to inflation forecasts have increased’ from statemt

Bank of Korea comments on their policy decision today:

  • Will maintain restrictive policy stance for sufficient period of time
  • Will examine the
    timing of a rate cut
  • Economy to continue
    moderate growth
  • To monitor trend of
    slowing inflation
  • To assess trade-off
    between policy variables, such as growth and financial stability
  • Growth temporarily
    weaken in q2
  • Gdp growth in line
    with earlier forecast
  • Drops phrase ‘upside
    risks to inflation forecasts have increased’ in policy statement
  • Inflation could be
    slower than forecast
  • Core inflation seen
    consistent with earlier forecast
  • Inflation will gradually converge on the target level


This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source