Bank of Japan Governor Ueda says when CPI sustainably hits 2% wages likely to be rising

Bank of Japan Governor Ueda

  • Companies becoming more active in raising prices, wages than before
  • Whether wage hikes
    will broaden and become embedded in society, firms begin to hike
    prices on prospects of rising wages, will be key to judging whether
    inflation target will be met sustainably
  • When inflation
    sustainably hits 2%, wages are likely to be rising at around the same
    pace or higher
  • We will maintain
    negative rate, ycc framework until sustained achievement of 2%
    inflation comes into sight
  • In what order we
    will end these policies will depend on economic, price developments
    at the time of an exit

Ueda was speaking from his appearance in the Japanese parliament, the Diet.

Ueda is scheduled to speak at 0835 GMT (0335US Eastern time)

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source