Bank of Japan meeting this week – preview (no rate change expected)

The Bank of Japan are meeting on September 19 and 20. The announcement will be some time in the 0230 GMT to 0330 GMT time window on Friday (they’re is no firmly set time):

  • 2230 – 2330 US Eastern time

The latest rhetoric we have heard from the BoJ has been hawkish (well, relatively, hawkish for the BoJ):

The BoJ is currently eyeing:

  • core CPI has been higher than the Bank’s 2% target for more than two years
  • nominal wages have been rising quickly, real wages have nudged positive also
  • the Japanese government has reintroduced enery subsidies, which should help boost discretionary spending

At this week’s meeting the Bank will leave short term rates unchanged. The next rate hike is not expected until December.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source