Bill Ackman says inflation will be persistently high, 10 & 30 year USTs can hit 5%

Ackman has been on fire with his views of steadily rising rates.

From last week:

From months ago:

Ackman is being interviewed on CNBC:

  • Says shutdown will lead to data shutdown, it will be a dark period
  • Inflation will be
    persistently high
  • 30 year treasury can
    reach 5%
  • Says he decided to
    buy Alphabet because the company was cheap
  • “I’m very bullish on Ukraine post-war”
  • “Would not be
    shocked to see 30-year rates though 5% barrier”
  • Says he could see
    10-year yield approach 5% in short term
  • “Alphabet is our
    second-largest investment”

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source