BOJ’s Tamura says likely to maintain accomodative monetary policy for time being

Policy board member Tamura:

  • Based on current economic, price outlook, BOJ likely to maintain
    accomodative monetary conditions for time being
  • Will guide monetary policy appropriately in accordance with economic,
    price, financial developments
  • Not there yet to allow market forces to fully drive long-term
    interest rate moves
  • Despite our tweak to monetary policy framework, there are
    side-effects remaining
  • Our monetary easing had some effect in underpinning economic growth
  • Japan’s economy is showing some signs of weakness but is recovering moderately
  • Rises in services prices pushing up overall inflation
  • Positive wage-inflation cycle is likely to continue

USD/JPY is showing barely any response.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source