Economic calendar in Asia 21 June 2023 – Bank of Japan April meeting minutes

The Bank of Japan meeting Minutes are due at 2350 GMT. The Minutes are preceded many weeks in advance by the ‘Summary’ of the meeting. The “Summary of Opinions” provides a concise summary of the views expressed by Policy Board members during the meeting. It does not attribute opinions to individual members but offers a general overview of the views held by the board.

For the April meeting the post is here:

BoJ April Summary: uncertain global outlook means Bank must continue current easy policy

and the full text is here:

Today we’ll get the Minutes. These are a more detailed record of the meeting and include an overview of economic and financial developments in Japan, the members’ discussions and the reasons behind the decisions made. The minutes offer a more comprehensive account of the meeting, including the perspectives of individual members, which can provide more detailed insights into the policy outlook.

I expect very little yen impact from the release of the minutes. The April meeting was a bit of a fizzer:

Otherwise it’s a sparse calendar indeed:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source