Economic calendar in Asia Tuesday, 7 November 2023: Reserve Bank of Australia decision day

The RBA statement is due at 2.30pm Sydney time, which is 2230 US Eastern time and 0330 GMT.

Earlier previews:

Analyst expectations are (nearly) unanimous that the Bank will hike its cash rate by 25bp but market pricing is not nearly so certain. I’ll have more to come on this separately.

Also on the docket is trade data from China. Exports have been falling y/y more slowly over the previous two months of data and this is expected to continue in the October figures due today.

  • This snapshot from the ForexLive economic data calendar, access it here.
  • The times in the left-most column are GMT.
  • The numbers in the right-most column are the ‘prior’ (previous month/quarter as the case may be) result. The number in the column next to that, where there is a number, is the consensus median expected.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source