European Central Bank speakers Monday include Elderson and Cipollone

I am not expecting any comments on the economy nor monetary policy from these two. Of course, you never know, so here they are with timings.

0700 GMT / 0300 US Eastern time

  • Opening remarks by ECB board member Frank Elderson at summit on Real estate climate data industry good practices organised by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt

1300 GMT / 0900 US Eastern time

  • European Central Bank board member Piero Cipollone takes part in a hearing on the digital euro before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament

1530 GMT / 1130 US Eastern time

  • Participation by European Central Bank board member Piero Cipollone in panel discussion at roundtable event on the digital euro at the House of the euro in Brussels

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source