JP Morgan mulls corporate power, higher CPI, requires central banks re-start hiking cycle

Summary points of an extended piece from JP Morgan Global Economic Research on the ‘fate of the global expansion’.

  • Global corporate profit gains slowed less than expected due to upside surprises to real GDP and inflation
  • While this resilience is supporting job and capex growth, underlying pressures on margins are building
  • Our key scenarios for the outlook can be viewed through the lens of the profit cycle
  • A “Boiling the frog” outturn sees profit pressures build as pricing power fades and wages squeeze margins…
  • …or pricing power remains with higher inflation that requires central banks to re-start the hiking cycle
  • A “Goldilocks” scenario requires either revenue gains to offset margin compression, or productivity growth

I’m cheering on the final bullet point but suspect the “higher inflation that requires central banks to re-start the hiking cycle” is more likely. Sadly.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source