More from BOJ’s Ueda on conditions for ending YCC and negative rates

More from Bank of Japan Governor Ueda:

  • Don’t expect 10-year JGB yield to rise sharply above our 1% reference
    even if yields come under upward pressure
  • We will consider
    ending YCC, negative rate if we can expect inflation to stably,
    sustainably hit price target
  • In what order, what
    part we will change policy will depend on economic, price, market
    developments at the time


  • Making strong comments now on how we could change policy could have
    unintended consequences in markets
  • When market
    expectations of future rise in long-term yields heighten, it is hard
    to deal with fine-tuning of YCC alone
  • Keeping yields
    across the curve low with monetary easing has had big positive effect
    on economy by stimulating demand, creating jobs
  • US Fed may at some
    point cut interest rates if effect of monetary tightening up till now
    works its way through US economy
  • If any US rate cut
    is a result of soft landing in US economy, that could have positive
    impact on Japan’s economy


This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source