Philadelphia Pres. Harker: The job on controlling inflation is not done

Philadelphia Fed Pres. Harker speaking on WHYY Radio says:

  • The job of controlling inflation is not done.
  • Things are looking better for the inflation outlook.
  • Hearing things are starting to soften faster than data suggests
  • We don’t need to raise rates anymore.
  • Soft landing process will likely be bumpy.
  • Expect unemployment to take up not by a lot.
  • A lot of things could thwart a soft landing
  • US economy is incredibly resilient
  • Reasons for some people’s bad economic vibes are real
  • High-priced level over many parts of the economy weighing on many
  • Firms are having better luck finding new work
  • Fed won’t cut rates right away
  • Infrastructure investment is very important

The Fed officials who recently spoke are not all that on board with a March cut.

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at Source