RBNZ Governor Orr: Confident inflation back in its target band

Reserve Bank of New Zealand Orr:

  • confident inflation back in its target band
  • can commence re-normalising rates
  • we considered a range of moves and consensus was for 25bps
  • projections are NZ is headed towards a period of low and stable inflation
  • broad range of indicators are consistently soft
  • Reasonable first step for monetary easing, in strong position to move
  • Remarkably pleased
    with how economy has panned out with our forecasts
  • High frequency data
    show economy weakening
  • Its a good news
    story of pricing intentions changing
  • Still have
    restrictive financial conditions

Earlier, read from the bottom up for the chronology:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com. Source