What’s coming up from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand after the weak NZ GDP data!

I posted the summary take from ANZ New Zealand here:

More now, via Reuters. This from ASB, who stick to their call for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand cut by another 50 basis points by the end of the year:

  • data highlight that the economy was indeed in a
    weak patch in the second-quarter
  • widespread evidence that
    private demand is soft and that this is flowing through to
    multiple sectors of the economy


  • financial
    markets will fixate on the idea that the Federal
    Reserve’s decision has opened the door for 50 basis point rate
    cuts elsewhere, including in New Zealand
  • but “there isn’t much in the local data that argues for the
    RBNZ to step up the pace of easing beyond what it had already
    signalled in its August policy statement”

Dates coming up for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com. Source