European Central Bank speakers on Tuesday include Holzmann, Villeroy and Lane

Coming up today:

0700 GMT / 0300 US Eastern time: ECB Governing Council policymaker and French central bank governor François Villeroy de Galhau is due to speak at a Europlace financial conference in Paris

1100 GMT / 0700 US Eastern time: Fireside chat with ECB chief economist Philip R. Lane at the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland National Conference in Dublin

I have notes that also speaking is Robert Holzmann, Governor of Austria’s central bank and a European Central Bank Governing Council member. He is billed by many pundits as the #1 hawk at the ECB. I don’t have a time for him. He dissented at the most recent (rate cut) meeting:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source