European Central Bank speakers today include Schnabel (twice), Cipollone and de Cos

06:00 Virtual participation by ECB board member Piero Cipollone in Executive Committee meeting of the Italian Banking Association (ABI)

09:00 European Central Bank policymakers Piero Cipollone and Pablo Hernandez de Cos speak at the IIF Global Outlook Forum

10:00 ECB board member Piero Cipollone in conversation with Clay Lowery at 2024 IIF Global Outlook Forum in Washington, D.C

11:45 Keynote speech by ECB Board member Isabel Schnabel at the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy (IRFMP): “Monetary Policy Challenges During Uncertain Times”

13:30 Keynote speech by ECB board member Isabel Schnabel at the 2024 EU-US Symposium

Schnabel will probably be the best of this lot

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at Source