Fed’s Williams: Fed in ‘good place,’ has time to think about what’s next for rates

Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams:

  • Fed in ‘good place,’ has time to think about what’s next for
  • Fed policy is still
    quite restrictive
  • ‘eventually’ fed
    needs to get policy back to more neutral levels
  • Not surprised to see
    some money market rate volatility
  • Money market
    volatility has not affected fed funds rate
  • Demand for reserves
    likely higher now relative to past
  • Fed needs to think
    this year about balance sheet end game
  • Not caught up in
    every twist of financial market shift
  • Financial markets
    highly reactive to new data

Williams spoke earlier:

more to come

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com. Source