RBNZ leaves its cash rate target unchanged at 5.50%, as expected

Reserve Bank of New Zealand

  • Demand growth in the economy continues to ease.
  • Committee agreed
    that the OCR needs to stay at a restrictive level
  • Interest rates are
    constraining economic activity and reducing inflationary pressure
    as required
  • While GDP growth in
    the June quarter was stronger than anticipated, the growth outlook
    remains subdued.
  • With monetary
    conditions remaining restrictive, spending growth is expected to
    decline further
  • Near-term risk that
    activity and inflation do not slow as much as needed
  • Prolonged period of
    subdued activity is required to reduce inflationary pressure

RBNZ minutes:

  • Committee agreed
    that interest rates may need to remain at a restrictive level for a
    more sustained period of time
  • Committee noted
    inflation is still expected to decline to within the target band by
    the second half of 2024
  • Committee noted
    inflation is still expected to decline to within the target band by
    the second half of 2024
  • Recent indicators
    show that employment intentions are flat and difficulty in finding
    labour has reduced
  • Over the medium term
    committee agreed downside risks around the outlook for global growth

Background to this decision:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com. Source